Tuesday 18 September 2012

Modern Life, Modern Illnesses

Some of the diseases found in the minds and bodies of Westerners have not been around that long or at least never been so prevalent in the population such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, interstitial cystitis, depression and certain types of cancer to name but a few.

The pace of modern life is quicker than for previous generations, and with increased responsibilities comes the expectations to be always available through email or phone.  In our environment, we are more exposed to chemicals and toxins than ever before.  Alongside better standards of living and more comfortable lives, hospital admittances due to food allergies are increasing thanks in part to synthetic food additives. Due to long hours working and commuting, people are getting less exercise and less sleep.

Anxiety and depression are becoming more common as our immune and nervous systems are more and more exhausted by our lifestyle.  However, each and every one of us can take better control of our own health to reverse some of our diseases or, better yet, prevent them altogether before they develop.  A few helpful steps would be to:
Control what goes in your body: Whenever possible choose local, organic foods that are in season. You can also find a list of foods best eaten organically because of high pesticide content, as well as foods with the lest pesticides on this link.  Also whenever possible, drink purified water and choose more natural products for clothing, bedding, furniture, and building materials.
Cleanse your body: Get acupuncture and use herbal medicine and teas to aid in your elimination of toxins through your sweat, urine, and bowels.
Make time for yourself: Work is important but so are you. Make time for exercise and make sure you enjoy doing it. Spend time having fun with people who make you happy. Get regular sleep. Go outdoors.

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